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The What Else Sucks Podcast #019 - Taboo FX Episode 6 - Threats, Conversations, and There You Go.

Heads up, there are some spoilers for Taboo in this post and in the episode.

This week on FX's new show, Taboo, the wheels that get moving in the last episode pick up speed and we see some threads getting tied off while others are just getting started. Knowing all this is building to a big old season finale makes it even better.

In today's What Else Sucks podcast, we kick off with a pretty intense revelation about James' past with his mother (1:54) and then discuss Thorne's funeral and surrounding events (4:15), the possibility of blurring the line between delusion and magic among characters (6:15), just how nuts James Delaney might be - even compared to someone like Atticus (7:35), why James can't just buy another boat (9:17), the next moves for the gunpowder (11:49), Chichester's moves on the chess board and the implications (15:36), Winter's fate and trying to find alternative explanations (18:19), imagining James Delaney in other TV shows (22:15), 19th century fermentation science (26:38), HBO's and The Young Pope - spoilers? kind of? (28:09).

As always, you can hit us on Twitter any time, @whatelsesucks.

We are also looking for local music to have on the show! If you make music or know someone who does, shoot us a message on Twitter, Facebook, or email us at

Today's music is "Where You've Been" by The Famous Slip Slams. Check us out on Twitter @slipslams on at

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