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The Year At The Multiplex

This is what I saw at the multiplex this year with numeric rating no real particular order. These are my opinions some are good some aren't such is life friends and foes.

Kingsmen: Secret Service-7.5 nice throwback to old Bond flicks. There is a church shootout scene set to Freebird that is easily one of my favorite scenes of the year.

Focus-6 twists are cool but when every scene is twist it wears off quickly. I got nothing else to really say about this.

Terminator: Genisys-6 wasn't as bad as I intially anticipated yet still not great.

Spy-7 Funny film. Jason Statham was funny in his comedic turn and the rest of the cast also delivered.

The Gift-7 this movie wasn't what I expected but a good thriller none the less. Didn't love the ending but hey what are you going to do.

Siciaro-8.5 great all around. Emily Blunt was a legit bad ass and the rest of the cast was great. I'd watch Del Torro read the newspaper. Kept you on edge of your seat.

Sleeping With Other People-6 kind of by the numbers indie rom-com by Alison Brie and Jason Sudekis are enjoyable so it's passable.

Ant-Man-6.5 I liked it but something about it felt off to me. At this point is a bit hard to judge a Marvel movie by itself and the vilian in this is worthless.

The Gunman-2 this maybe one of the most forgettable movies I have ever watched. I forgot Sean Penn was in this and he never helps.

Furious 7-8 this checked every fan box they could have. This is the best movie I saw in 2015 that featured Coronas.

San Andreas-6.5 The Rock and Paul Giammti are a deadly combo.

Fantastic 4-1 this is about as bad as cinema gets. Hopefully I never have to speak of this again.

Ex Machina-9 not the bigggest Sci-Fi movie to come out this year but definetly the best.

Room-6.5 that Brie Larson is pretty great but something about this feels off.

Beasts of No Nation-8 Idris Elba is one of my favorites. Charming yet frightful performance by him.

Avengers: Age of Ultron-7 too much going on in this one.

Jurassic World-7 a guy gave this a standing ovation when it was over. that amazed me. Entertaining but I was amazed at the amount of money it made.

Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation-8 this franchise has gotten better longer it's gone.

Dope-7.5 really liked the soundtrack and feel of this hope more movies get made like this

The Martian-7.5 really good Damon performance thorougly enjoyed this one.

Evererst-6.5 this looked great. good job showing the scope of Everest

The Revenant-8 beautiful cinematography not sure how much I like this but I know it's good and sure I'll see it again.

SPECTRE-8-I'm a sucker for Bond I'll always like these movies

Spotlight-8 really good on every level. I'm not sure how much I'll remember this but next time I see it I'll appreciate how good it is.

Brooklyn-8.5 this had me feeling like a big sap in the theater all invested in this Irish girl's romance.

Star Wars: Force Awakens-8 I just wanted a decent Star Wars film got that and then some. Good inufsion of new and old faces.

Big Short-8 An entertaining tramedy(tragic comedy director's words not mine) look at the housing crash in mid 2000s. really enjoyable looking forward to seeing this again.

Mad Max: Fury Road-9 this is what I want from my action movies. Tom Hardy is great the movie has a great look and the action is top notch.

The Man From U.N.C.L.E.-8.5 not enough people saw this. this was great fun best Bond film I saw all year.

Wild Card-4 Big Jason Statham fan but this isn't one of his better ones.

The Overnight-6 good performances and funny just not sure how I feel overall about it.

Tangerine-7 completely shot on IPhone had a great look to it and a lot of energy.

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